There are 5,000 businesses in downtown Winnipeg.
Thinking of advertising in downtown Winnipeg?
Then consider winnipegADsheet. Why? winnipegADsheet will reach 5,000 businesses in postal codes R3A, R3B, R3C & R2A. Winnipeg's largest corporations are located downtown including Cargill, the Governments of Canada, Manitoba and Winnipeg, James Richardson & Sons, Great-West Life, Manitoba Public Insurance, Manitoba Hydro...
To the point...
What: We publish the winnipegADsheet monthly, featuring Business-Business, Automotive, Retail and Health adsheets.
Location, location, location: We distribute in Downtown Winnipeg, reaching 5,000 Winnipeg businesses (every business in postal codes R3A, R3B, R3C and R2A), who employ 70,000 Winnipeggers.
Frequency: We publish once a month, every month.
Economy: A winnipegADsheet card sized ad reaching 5,000 downtown Winnipeg businesses and up to 70,000 Winnipeggers will cost as little as $0.003 cents each.
To learn more about winnipegADsheet click here. CLICK...